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Ahmed Boubakeur was born on April 1, 1952 in Biskra Algeria. In June 1975, he obtained an engineering degree in Electrical Engineering from the Ecole Nationale Polytechnique (ENP) in Algiers. He obtained a certificate of specialization in High Voltage Engineering and in May 1979 he defended a doctoral thesis in Technical Sciences (PhD) at the Institute of High Voltages of the Polytechnic School of Warsaw in Poland (currently Technical University of Warsaw TUW). He has a certificate in Intellectual Property from the WIPO Worldwide Academy (2002), and a certificate in  Eco-Management from ENP /EPFLausanne (2003).

Biskra Landon Garden (photo A.Boubakeur)
Warsaw University of Technology (photo A.Boubakeur)
Béjaia Carbon Cape (photo A.Boubakeur)
TUW – HV Laboratory (photo A.Boubakeur)

He is currently full professor at ENP, where he teaches and directs research works in the field of High Voltage Engineering since 1979. He has provided in the same field, graduation and post-graduation (Magister) courses in some algerian universities (BéjaïaBatna, Jijel) and spent visits as a visiting professor at the Polytechnic School of the University of Nantes (France) and at the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT). He has given conferences at the Wroclaw University of Sciences and Technology (Poland) and at the Cardiff University (UK). He has supervised 24 magisters thesis since 1984 (ENP, U-Tizi-Ouzou, U-Béjaïa, U-Batna) and 14 doctorate theses since 2000 (ENP and U-Béjaïa). He is currently supervising several theses, some of which are in the new system (LMD).

Since 1991, he has also taught Intellectual Property and Standardization at ENP as he taught the Graduated Intellectual Property course at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Batna, as well as at the ENSET d’Oran (actually ENP-Oran) as part of the post-graduate training in Innovation. He is also teaching Legal Metrology at ENP since 2011 at ENP. He organized and participated in the supervision of an ENP / EPFLausanne Eco-management training course in 2002 and 2003, contributing to the introduction of environmental management tools in the training of ENP engineers.


Figs in Ighzar Amokrane (photo A.Boubakeur)
discharges in the HV Lab/ENP (photos A.Boubakeur)

Since 1980 until Augut 2021 , he has published 56 publications in internationally renowned journals, 120 papers at international congresses (IEEE conferences, ISH, CLDP…) and 72 papers at national conferences (CNHT,…), all of which have been published in edited proceedings. He is a member of scientific committees and organizing committees of several national and international conferences (CNHT, CNCEM, ICEE, COMADEM, CISTEM…). His research axes concern various topics of Insulation Technology (partial discharges, breakdown, aging of insulating materials, diagnosis etc.) and Insulation Coordination (pollution of insulators, earthing, lightning  and lightning protection, etc.).

He is member of the Association of Graduates from ENP (AD-ENP) and member of the Association of High Voltage Electric Networks ARELEC (Algeria). He is  CIGRE member (through the ARELEC as Algerian NC) and Senior Member of IEEE, member of DEI-Society, and for few year member of Education Society and of NPS-Society. He is member of the IEEE Algeria Section and of the DEI IEEE Algeria Section Chapter. He is a reviewer for various journals including those of IET (MST & GTD), and IEEE (trans on DEI). He has been member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering (created in 2007) and from  July 2014 to August 2019, member of the Editorial Board and Associate Editor of the journal IET Science Measurement and Technology. He is since January 2021 Associate Editor and member of the Editorial Board of the ENP Engineering Science journal

(2) Taghit the Great Dunes
(1) Ziama Mansouria
(3) Mount Gouraïa /Bejaia
Taoughazout (Frenda) – hommage à Ibn Khaldoun (photos A.Boubakeur)

He served at ENP as Head of Department of Fundamental Sciences (1983-1985), Head of Department of Electrical Engineering (1985-1986), Director of (Undergraduate) Studies (1986-1989 and 1995-2003) and finaly, he has been Deputy Director in charge of Continuing Education and External Relations (2005 2019).  Since 1995, he has contributed to the rapprochement between ENP and Industry and has set up some models of University-Industry relationship in Algeria which have been the subject of international communications (UNESCO congresses, QRM/I.MEch.E in Oxford…) and which continue to serve to simplify the realization of scientific and educational works in collaboration with industrial enterprises. He participated in the organization of the ENP young innovator competition and helped to set up an innovation center at ENP (opened in June 2007). He has collaborated in Tempus projects on the quality of training, on innovation and on the employability of engineers. The latter led to the establishment of the « House of Industry » at ENP.

He participated in various commissions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research: President of the National Pedagogical Committee of Electrical Engineering from 1986 to 1988, President of the Commission on Training-Employment Relation from 1995 to 1997, member in commissions on Training Programs, member of the National Equivalences Commission, and other think tanks on higher education systems. He also participated in working groups at the Ministries responsible for SMEs, Industry, Trade, ICT. He was a member of the Scientific Committees of USTHB university (3 years) and EMP Engineers Shcool (6 years).

The list of published papers is in the « Research » page 

CV Boubakeur Ahmed ENP janv 2021     (in French – will be soon completed by the English version)